International cooperation
Studying of the international experience of technical regulation, standardization and its practical application is one of the major activities of the Committee.
The Committee established successful collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the Working Party on the standardization of UNECE and national standardization bodies of leading countries.
Special attention is paid to cooperation with the CIS Interstate Council for Standardization and Metrology and national standardization bodies of CIS-countries.
The Committee constantly is the organizer and active participant of international forums on best practices of technical regulation and standardization. These events are attended by leading specialists of enterprises and organizations of Russia and the CIS countries, as well as experts from Europe, the United States and China.
In addition, over the years the RSPP Committee together with Rosstandart held international conferences on general issues of technical regulation in Germany, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Finland, Italy, Austria, the United States, China, Belgium and other countries.
The RSPP Committee together with partners created the New platform for the exchange of experience in the field of technical regulation:
Target Force on technical regulation and standardization of the round table of Industrialists of EU and Russia (IRT/TF8), which became part of Regulatory Dialogue on harmonization between Russia and the European Union.
The Council on technical regulation and standardization for the digital economy of RSPP Committee of German Eastern Business Association.
Ongoing interaction of the RSPP Committee with leading American Institutes for standardization. Signed memoranda of cooperation with the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the American society of mechanical engineers (ASME). On an annual basis, together with the Consortium Kodeks, we made events devoted to the peculiarities of the U.S. Standardization System, with the participation of leading experts and leadership of the ASTM International, API, ASME.
Actively developing cooperation with Asian countries. In this direction there is the work on specific projects stimulates the development cooperation and related directions. May 15, 2017 in St. Petersburg signed the Agreement on information interaction between Heylundzyan Institute of Chinese and Russian standards and Committee RSPP on technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment and Information Consortium «Kodeks».
The agreement allows to implement Program for the training of Russian and Chinese specialists on standardization, exchange regulations, and support Russian industry in the implementation of specific projects.