Key points


July 2004

The establishment of the Working Group on  Technical Regulation in RSPP. The Working Group was composed of 78 representatives of companies and organizations.


Organization and holding of the first International Conference in Brussels on the experience of the European industry in the field of technical regulation.

February 2006

The transformation of the Working Group into the RSPP Committee on technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment.

August 2006

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the RSPP Comittee D. Pumpyanskiy was included in the Governmental Commission on Technical Regulations.

May 2007

By the RSPP Committee initiative were made the fundamental changes in 184-FZ «On Technical Regulation».

April 2008

RSPP Committee together with Russian state body on technical regulation (Rostechregulirovanie) hold in Moscow the International conference with the participation of Alan Breiden, the ISO President, and leaders of standardization bodies of leading European countries and the United States.

June 2009

RSPP Committee jointly with the Ministry of industry and Rostehregulirovanie prepared the Program addressed to eliminate  major shortcomings in the implementation of the reform of technical regulation.

 January 2010

At a meeting of the Presidential Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy adopted a number of policy decisions on matters of technical regulation and standardization on the basis of proposals prepared by the RSPP Committee.

December 2010

Established a Target Force on harmonization of technical legislation of Russia and the EU, the Russian side was headed by the Chairman of RSPP Committee D. Pumpyanskiy 

January 2011

Established Technical Regulation and Standardization Council under Russian Ministry of industry and trade. The Council was headed by the First Deputy Chairman of RSPP Committee A. Lotsmanov.


Working Group on harmonization of technical legislation of Russia and the EU  published the Recommendations on further approximation of technical legislation of the Customs Union and Russia and the EU, taking into account the interests of the industry.


The Committee participates in the development of the draft federal law «On accreditation in the national system of accreditation». This is joint work with the Russian Ministry of economic development and Rosaccreditation on the formation of a new national system of accreditation.


The experts of the Committee participated in the finalization of section VI  «Technical Regulation» of a draft of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. The Committee's proposals have been incorporated by the Eurasian Economic Commission in the final version of the Treaty.

June 2015

President of the Russian Federation  Mr. Vladimir Putin signed 162-FZ «On standardization in the Russian Federation». The necessity of this Act was mentioned repeatedly at conferences and in the decisions of the RSPP Committee on technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment.  In the drafting and the discussion of this bill  actively participated the experts of the RSPP Committee. Many of their suggestions have been incorporated in the new law.

November 2016

On November 8, the RSPP Committee signed Memorandum of cooperation between the Committee and the American Petroleum Institute (API), which had provided new opportunities for the participation of the representatives of the Russian industry in standardization works of API.

May 2017

In St. Petersburg was signed the Cooperation agreement between the RSPP Committee and the  Institute of Chinese and Russian standards of Heilongjiang province and Consortium “Kodex”. The agreement allows Russian industry the access to standards and, if necessary, consulting with Chinese colleagues.


Regarding the promoting the realization of the program «Digital economy» based on the Intersectoral Council for standardization in the field of IT-technologies was established  the Center of competences for IT-standardization.  

July 2018

Council on technical regulation and standardization for the digital economy of RSPP Committee and East Committee of German economy starts  to work.


With the direct support of the RSPP Committee leading oil and gas companies have begun preparations for the creation of the "Institute of Oil and Gas Technological Initiatives”


The Government of the Russian Federation has given instructions to implement the Action Plan ("Road map") for the development of standardization in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2027. Many provisions of the document were introduced into its final version by the initiative of the RSPP Committee.

The Committee has begun work on the implementation of the "Regulatory guillotine" mechanism. The First Deputy Chairman of the Committee was appointed Co-Chairman of the "Working Group on ensuring the uniformity of measurements".


At the initiative of the Committee the Roadmap for the joint work of the RSPP and the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation on the development of the system of technical regulation in construction was prepared.


Sign the MOU with EASC – standardization body of the Eurasian Economic Commission.



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