Structure of RSPP Committee and interaction with us

Members of the Committee  represents oil and gas, automotive, mining, metallurgical, machine-building, food and other industries.

The structure of the Committee includes Interdisciplinary councils in such spheres as technical regulation and standardization, construction complex, metallurgy, chemical industry, oil and gas, metrology, information technologies.  These councils are composed of leading professionals, experts and enterprises of the industry. The task of the councils is the coordination of their activities.

The function of the information service of the  Committee is played by  the information network "Techekspert".  The work of this service allows to the Committee to promptly inform experts  from all regions of Russia about the technical regulation and standardization.


RSPP Committee of industrial policy and technical regulation

Intersectional councils on technical regulation and standardization (ICTRSs)  

Information service «Techekspert»


ICTR on construction


ICTR on oil and gas


ICTR on applied metrology and machinery


ICTR on research and traffic of chemicals and chemical products


Centre of competences in IT-standardization








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