The development of cooperation in the field of standardization between the Russian Federation and the people’s Republic of China


The development of cooperation in the field of standardization between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China was discussed in the city of Yekaterinburg (Russian Federation).

The 16th meeting of the Permanent Russian-Chinese Working Group on standardization, metrology, certification and inspection control took place from 6 to 7 December, 2018 under the chairmanship of the Deputy Head of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology Mr. Anton Shalaev and the General Director, Department of Innovation Standards Development of State Administration of Market Regulation of PRC, Vice-Administrator of SAC Mr. Cui Gang.

The main attention was directed to the development of cooperation in the field of oil and gas, electrical energy, agriculture and aviation. The parties also agreed to tighten cooperation in the framework of international and regional organization as ISO, IEC and BRICS.

Certification became also one of the vivid topics for discussion. Russian and Chinese sides decided to work together on the IEC CB Schemes in part of mutual recognition of test results, strengthen cooperation in the field of cross-border and bilateral trade.

The main results of the Working Group meeting were highlighted by the creation of Working Subgroups on standardization cooperation in the fields of Energy and Agriculture in order to elaborate the specific directions of the further work.

Informing consumers about poor-quality products and greatening control over the products quality became the long-range direction for cooperation in the near future.

In the 16th meeting of the Working group took part more than 30 Chinese representatives of State Administration of Market Regulation and experts from subordinate bodies. Representatives of Rostest-Moscow, STANDARTINFORM, Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in Primorsky Region, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Russian Union
of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Russian Export Center, Gazprom, Federal Scientific Center of food systems n.a. V.M.Gorbatov (Russian Academy of Science) and other organizations participated in the meeting from the Russian side.

The next Working Group meeting is planned for 2019 and will take place in China.


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