13th International Conference «Neftegazstandart-2018», Yekaterinburg


The 13th International Conference «Neftegazstandart-2018» was held on November 6 to 9 Ekaterinburg, in the Hall of the Government of Sverdlovsk region.

The conference was organized by the RSPP Committee on Technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment, the Government of the Sverdlovsk region and the Inter-Sectoral Council for technical regulation and standardization in the oil and gas complex Russia.

The event was supported by the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Industry, Rosstandart, PJSC Gazprom, SOSPP and Techexpert information network.

The conference was attended by more than 100 representatives of federal and regional authorities, leading Russian oil and gas companies, public, scientific and design organizations, specialized technical committees for standardization.

The participants and organizers of the conference received a number of welcome addresses. President of the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, chairman of the Committee of RSPP on Technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment D.A. Pumpyanskiy in his greeting noted: «Traditionally this Conference  is a meeting place for specialists in the field of standardization and technical regulation, a platform where the most important aspects of development of oil and gas complex of the country are discussed. Many enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region, members of our Union, who are suppliers of materials and equipment for oil and gas companies, contribute to his work. «

Among the main issues on the agenda of the Conference are the development of the Eurasian Technical regulation system, practical aspects of development and application of technical regulations, topical issues of legislative changes in the field of technical Regulation and standardization. The prospects of development of standardization system, the role of standardization in implementation of import substitution programs in NGC were considered.

The plenary session was also made by: Deputy head of Rosstandart A.P. Shalaev, deputy director of the Department of Oil and gas production and transportation of the Ministry of Energy A.I. Savinov, deputy director of the Department of State Policy in Technical regulation and ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the Ministry of Industrial Development D.A. Kuznetsov, deputy general director of PJSC «TMK» on technical sales and innovations S.G. Chikalov, First deputy chairman of the RSPP Committee on Technical Regulation Standardization and conformity Assessment, Chairman of the Council for Technical regulation and Standardization of the Ministry of Industry of Russia A.N. Pilots, deputy head of the Department of PJSC «Gazprom» etc. Lobanova, President of the Union of oil and gas manufacturers Russia, Chairman of the Inter-Sectoral Council for technical regulation and standardization in the oil and gas complex of Russia g. I. Shmal. 

A bill was discussed with amendments to the federal law of 30.12.2009 G. № 384-FZ «technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures» and separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation, developed by the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

The participants of the Conference noted the presence of negative opinions on the draft law of the federal executive bodies, public organizations and major enterprises and organizations of the NGC.

Within the framework of the Conference the thematic session «digital transformation of NGC enterprises» took place.  The center of attention of its participants was the issues of creation of the center of competences in the field of national it-standardization, Russian experience of development of international standards of digital economy, practice and prospects of use in companies BIM-technologies.

The session was briefed on the work in the area of it standardization carried out by the RSPP committee.

Traditionally, the Conference held a meeting of TC 23 «Oil and gas industry». Its participants discussed the activities of TC 23/MTK 523 on the development of national and interstate standards, approved the results of absentee voting on the standards already adopted.

The leaders and members of TC 23 noted the effectiveness of the meetings of the Technical Committee within the framework of the traditional conference «Neftegazstandart».

As a result of the conference, the participants unanimously approved the draft resolution.

The Conference participants supported the initiative of Rosstandart to develop and adopt the concept of standardization development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2027 year.

They approved the activities of the Project Technical Committee of PTK 705 «Technologies of information modeling at all stages of the life cycle of capital construction and real estate objects».

The decision was made:

  • To continue work on realization of the Perspective program of standardization in oil and gas complex for the period of 2017-2022 years, approved by joint order of Ministry of Energy of Russia and Rosstandart from 19.07.2017 № 653/1581.

  • To the TC 23 member companies to prepare proposals to the draft program of development of National (interstate) standards providing the evidentiary basis of the technical regulation of the EAEU «On requirements to trunk pipelines for Transportation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons «and present it to the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

  • To support the initiative of national associations in the field of construction, profile committees of RSPP and CCI of the Russian Federation on adoption of the concept of improvement of the system of technical normalization and regulation in construction industry and the plan of main measures ( Road map).

  • Endorse the proposals of the RSPP Committee on Technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment to establish a competence center in the field of national it standardization.



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