Dmitry Pumpyanskiy's speech at the RSPP Congress on the results of the forum " Technical Regulation as a Tool of Eurasian Integration"



Dear colleagues!

Issues of technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment remain a topical topic of discussion both in Russia and within the framework of the EAEU.

Despite the pandemic, the intensity of discussion of legal acts in Russia has even increased.

Important areas of work of the RSPP Committee this year were participation in the" regulatory guillotine "in terms of amendments to the Law" On the Unity of Measurements", improvement of the regulatory framework for conformity assessment, as well as regulatory regulation in construction.

Together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Rosstandart, we are participating in the implementation of the roadmap for the development of the national standardization system until 2027.

On October 5, 2020, as part of the Russian Business Week, the Committee held the forum "Technical Regulation as a Tool for Eurasian Integration".

The forum was attended by more than 250 people-heads and specialists of the EEC, authorities, experts from many industries, including the Minister for Technical Regulation of the EEC, Viktor V. Nazarenko, heads of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Rosstandart and Rosaccreditation of Russia, our colleagues from Belarus and the Business Council of the EAEU.

The main conclusions that can be drawn from the results of the forum:

The First.

In general, the Eurasian Economic Union has formed a supranational system of technical regulation.

The experts of the RSPP Committee are actively involved in this work.

The Second.

The practical application of the technical regulations revealed a number of shortcomings of the created system.

The most significant is the duration of the procedures for developing and making changes to the regulations.

There are no guidelines for the application of the technical regulations of the Union and the procedure for issuing official explanations on their application.

The pace of updating of interstate standards included in the lists of technical regulations should be considered unsatisfactory.

In this regard, the Forum appealed to the EEC with the suggestion that the establishment in the framework of the Union mechanism of Central planning, coordinating and financing the development of interstate standards to implement the requirements of technical regulations of the Union and urged all representatives of companies, including members of the RSPP for more active participation in financing the development of national and interstate standards, as it is already implemented in metallurgy and the oil and gas industry.

The Third.

The priority direction of technical regulation today is to improve the regulatory framework for protecting the Union market from counterfeit and counterfeit products, including imported ones.

Timely removal of counterfeit and counterfeit goods from the market will increase the share of products produced by the Union's industry, and will contribute to improving the economic stability of the states and the Union as a whole.

One of the important tasks that the Eurasian Commission has already begun to solve is the creation of a system for promptly informing about products that do not meet the mandatory requirements.

The Fourth.

A lot of time was devoted to the discussion on the adoption of the technical regulations of the EAEU "On the safety of buildings and structures, building materials and products". The draft regulation provided for the introduction of a new type of mandatory documents – building codes.

The Forum recognized that in order to create a single market for building materials and protect it from falsification, it is necessary to develop a separate technical regulation of the Union "On the safety of building materials and products", similar to Regulation No. 305E of the European Union (EU). At the same time, in the European Union, each country sets its own requirements for the safety of buildings and structures.

The development of the regulation "On the safety of building materials and products" is supported by metallurgists, manufacturers of building materials, road builders, etc.

These are the main results of the forum. Its decisions are sent to the interested authorities and, together with other materials, are posted on the website of the RSPP Committee.

The RSPP Committee continues to work closely with the authorities of Russia and the EAEU and many industries.

Thanks for your attention.




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