Prospects for cooperation in the field of standardization


On November 30, 2022, a thematic session "Standardization as a tool for solving import substitution issues" was held in St. Petersburg as part of the International Forum "Russian Industrialist".

The session was organized in the format of a joint meeting of the RSPP Committee on Industrial Policy and Technical Regulation and the RSPP Committee on Integration, Trade and Customs Policy and the WTO with the support of the RSPP Commission on the Construction Complex.

The session was moderated by The Deputy Co-Chairman of the RSPP Committee on Industrial Policy and Technical Regulation, Chairman of the Council for Technical Regulation and Standardization under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Andrey Lotsmanov.

In his welcoming speech to the participants of the session, the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin stressed that the issues of technical regulation, standardization, conformity assessment are one of the priorities of the RSPP, the union's interaction with national and supranational bodies.  He also noted the high level of interaction between the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Ministry of Construction of Russia in improving the regulatory framework of the industry, expanding the use of metal in construction. At the same time, this interaction is a good example of promoting the problems of technical regulation, standardization, conformity.

According to Alexander Shokhin, extensive experience in working with the expert community allows the RSPP Committee on Industrial Policy and Technical Regulation to play the role of an effective intersectoral platform. 

Alexey Mordashov – Member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Chairman of the RSPP Committee on Integration, Trade and Customs Policy and the WTO, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Severstal in his speech at the meeting paid special attention to the prospects for the development of steel construction in the country, the role of standardization in the development of this process. He noted that in the current difficult conditions, the construction industry can and should become the locomotive of further development of the country's economy. Currently, the country's leadership has set ambitious goals to increase the volume of housing construction. The implementation of the housing construction program will not only provide Russians with comfortable housing, but will also have a beneficial effect on the development of entire industries. At the same time, the widespread use of steel structures in housing construction will certainly contribute to the successful solution of the tasks set.

In his report, Alexey Mordashov analyzed the prospects and real directions for the development of cooperation between Russian metallurgists and builders, gave specific examples of successful construction of buildings on a metal frame. In his opinion, the cooperation of government agencies, developers, developers and manufacturers of metal structures will make it possible to achieve real progress in this direction.

As it became clear from the speech of the First Vice-President of the Russian Union of Builders, Deputy Chairman of the RSPP Commission on the Construction Complex Vladimir Dedyukhin, representatives of the construction complex are ready for such cooperation. At the same time, strengthening the interaction of the committees and commissions of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs is also promising and relevant. Vladimir Dedyukhin expressed confidence that the joint work of the RSPP Committee on Industrial Policy and Technical Regulation and the RSPP Commission on the Construction Complex will help in solving a number of issues relevant to business.

The speaker spoke about the main directions of the work of the RSPP Commission on the construction complex.

Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Sergey Muzychenko in his speech spoke in detail about the implementation of the Roadmap to expand the use of metal structures in construction.

Head of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Anton Shalaev began his speech at the session by expressing gratitude to the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for the fact that at various industry and intersectoral events a lot of attention is invariably paid to issues of technical regulation, standardization, for constant support of new areas of work on standardization.

Speaking about the key directions of development of the national standardization system, the Head of Rosstandart stated: "Business, industrial enterprises, the real sector of the economy began to become more involved in the standardization processes. Almost half of all new standards that are developed during the year are approved as GOST standards - these are standards developed at the expense of business, and most importantly - at the initiative of specific industrial enterprises that see how standards can protect their market and increase the competitiveness of products. " He gave specific examples of successful work in this direction, in particular, in the pipe industry.

In his report, Anton Shalaev also noted a clear trend of a significant increase in the number of references to standards in regulatory legal acts, analyzed the possibilities of our country's participation in the processes of international standardization, noting that Russia still remains a full member of ISO and IEC, the process of adopting international standards based on GOST continues.

Concluding his speech, the Head of Rosstandart said: "Standards can and should be used to protect the domestic market, to promote Russian technologies, accelerate the introduction of new products to the market, develop import advance processes, and further development."

"The role of technical regulation tools in countering sanctions pressure" is the topic of the report by Vyacheslav Burmistrov, Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Technical Regulation, Standardization and Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.  In particular, he noted that technical regulation and standardization are among the basic tools for achieving the technological sovereignty of our country, and also analyzed the most effective ways to use them.

Despite the wide range of issues discussed at the session, the topic of expanding the use of metal in construction can be considered a priority for this event. Alexey Sentyurin, Executive Director of the Russian Steel Association, spoke about the current situation, the main trends in the ferrous metallurgy of Russia and the work to increase steel consumption in his speech.

The proposals of the Association "Association of Business Participants for the Development of Steel Construction" to expand the use of metal in civil engineering were voiced by the Director General of ARSS Alexander Danilov. An extremely interesting project was presented at the session by andrey Litvinenko, Managing Partner of PJSC Samolet Group. 

The ambitiousness of the goals that are supposed to be achieved in its implementation is evidenced by the very title of the report: "How to increase Russia's GDP by 14%, triple the metal market and make 150 million Russians happy." During the session, the role of standards in the processes of digitalization of the Russian economy was considered, the need to strengthen state control and supervision, including compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, issues of overcoming the consequences of sanctions in the field of standardization, metrology and certification were discussed.

All these issues are in the focus of attention of the RSPP Committee on Industrial Policy and Technical Regulation. Andrey Lotsmanov described in detail what specific work the Committee is doing in this direction in his speech.

The thematic session "Standardization as a tool for solving import substitution issues" certainly became one of the important events of the business program of the Russian Industrialist Forum.

The event clearly demonstrated the prospects for further development of cooperation between business and government, expanding the interaction of committees and commissions of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in solving the most pressing issues in the field of standardization and technical regulation.





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